Reading Planet

Transform your school’s approach to reading with Reading Planet, a fresh and modern scheme for Reception to Year 6, written for the current curriculum.
Embed the essential early reading skills with 408 exciting books from Lilac to White band, with a variety of fiction and non-fiction across four strands correlating with the Letters and Sounds phases: Lift-off, Rocket Phonics, Comet Street Kids and Galaxy. Schools can feel confident in embedding a scheme with carefully levelled books and supporting resources that ensure reading progress for every child.
New Reading Planet: Astro has been designed to target struggling and reluctant readers in KS2.
- Designed to offer high-level phonics decodability as well as reading for enjoyment to capture every child's interest
- Aligned with the national curriculum and Letters and Sounds to support the new Ofsted Framework
- Phonics guidelines developed by Abigail Steel, phonics expert, former primary school teacher and Ofsted adviser
Guide to reading with your child